Hey friends!
We’re celebrating Frida Kahlo’s life and works for Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us and learn about Frida’s unique life while enjoying live music and delicious Mexican snacks and drinks. You can also make a Frida sugar skull and practice some fun dance steps while watching our local artists Mischief Whimsy and Manch F. as they paint live. You’ll also have a chance to win a Frida-inspired painting.
Follow Mischief Whimsy here
Follow Manch F. here
The Frida Kahlo Fest is Saturday, October 5 from 1-3pm!
Frida look-alike contest
Living in Mexico City and embracing her cultural heritage influenced Frida’s artistic vision. She is a symbol of artistic genius, empowerment, and Mexican pride. She also happened to have a great sense of style and was considered a fashion icon worldwide. Frida was very proud of her roots, wearing traditional dresses and hairstyle everywhere she went.
We’re calling all Frida Kahlo enthusiasts to enter our Frida look-alike contest!
Channel Frida’s feminine side and show off your vibrant outfit…or show off Frida’s masculine side and look sharp in a suit and tie. All costumes are welcome!
Be creative and most importantly, let’s have fun together! So, what are you waiting for? Let your inner Frida shine through!
Click here to enter our contest.
We’ll have a fun prize for the first-place winner! Click here to sign up to attend this event!

Want to learn more about this amazing artist?
Here are 10 interesting facts about Frida that you probably didn’t know.
1. Frida’s full name was Magdalena Frida Carmen Kahlo y Calderón. Wow! You think that was long? Check out her husband Diego Rivera’s full name: Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez.

2. As a child, Frida took art lessons, but she didn’t see herself as a painter. She was more interested in science and biology and dreamed of becoming a doctor.

3. Her father, Guillermo Kahlo, was a photographer. As a child, Frida would help him develop, retouch, and color photographs.
4. When Frida was 18 years old, she was in a terrible bus accident that left her with severe chronic health issues throughout her life. In fact, being bedridden for so long is what prompted her to pick up painting. Her father built her a special easel she could use while in bed.

5. She lied about her age. She used to say she was born in 1910 when the Mexican revolution began; however, she was born on July 16, 1907. Some say she did it to become associated with the revolution and to show her commitment to the movement.
6. Frida was 20 years younger than her husband Diego Rivera. Their marriage was turbulent and after 10 years, they divorced; however, a year later they remarried.

7. Frida and Diego Rivera’s faces appear in Mexican money: the 500 pesos bill.

8. She was an art teacher at Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado La Esmeralda. People started calling her students “Los Fridos.”
9. In 1939, The Louvre Museum purchased a Frida Kahlo painting called “The Frame” (1938). This means that Frida was the first 20th century Mexican artist to exhibit her work at the Louvre. How cool is that?

10. Frida Kahlo’s painting “Diego y yo” (1949), sold for a record-breaking price of $34.8 million on November 16, 2021. The sale of this self-portrait established her as Latin America’s most expensive artist.