Home Delivery
The Fox River Valley Public Library District card holders can place items on hold and have them delivered right to their front door. To place your Home Delivery request:
1. Visit our online catalog and place the items you want on hold. We will deliver books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, graphic novels, magazines, video games, and playaways. We cannot deliver Library of Things, hot spots, laptops, or Youth Services kits.
2. Select Home Delivery from the library pickup drop down menu. Once you have placed your item(s) on hold, select "Fox River Valley - Home Delivery" from the library pickup drop down menu. Once an item on hold is ready, you will receive a notice, via your preferred notification method, that your item will be delivered. We will be unable to provide the exact date of delivery. Items can still take 1-2 weeks for delivery, and certain items - hotspots, laptops, and youth kits - are ineligible for home delivery.
Staff will deliver materials two days a week, Tuesday and Friday. Our driver is not permitted to accept materials from patrons to return to the library. Book drops at the Dundee Library, Randall Oaks Library, and Gilberts Village Hall are open for patrons to return their materials.
Delivery will not be same day and could take up to two weeks depending on volume. We only have one delivery driver and vehicle.
We cannot guarantee availability of all items placed on hold.
If you need assistance, please email our account services department at librarynotice@frvpld.info.
HomeWord Delivery Service
Delivery of library materials is available to FRVPLD library cardholders who cannot get to the library, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, due to extensive illness or injury. Extended check out periods and no late fees will apply. HomeWord Delivery Service participants can request specific titles or get recommendations from library staff.
To apply for the HomeWord Delivery Service, please fill out an application using the link below. You will need to download the PDF file first, then you can type right in the PDF to fill it out. Completed applications can be sent to homeword@frvpld.info. Contact Keri at 224-699-5885 or kcarroll@frvpld.info if you have any questions.
Information about the Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service (TBBS), which provides a wide variety of free materials and services for Illinois residents with physical or visual limitations, can be obtained here: www.ilbph.org.