Community New posting board

Community Information Areas - Procedures

Community Information Areas may be used for the following types of information:

  • Events in FRVPLD areas only.
  • Nonpartisan election information, such as provided by the League of Women Voters or by the Secretary of State.
  • Postings by nonprofit organizations, groups, agencies, or by any federal, state, or local government agency providing services.
  • Postings of future educational, social, civic, cultural, or recreational activities.
  • The Library District will display qualifying materials on a first-come, first-served basis as room allows.


Community Information Areas may not be used for the following types of information:

  • Commercial notices, solicitations, business cards, job postings, and retail advertising.
  • Materials that support or oppose a specific religious conviction.
  • Materials that support or oppose any political candidate, political party, or ballot measure.
  • Personal notices of items of sale.
  • Personal solicitations for fundraisers.


General Guidelines

  • The PR Manager or Library staff must approve all postings.
  • Any flyers or posters submitted for consideration will not be returned.
  • Inquiries regarding events and activities described on postings must be directed to the event's sponsors, program, etc., and not the library staff.
  • Materials in languages other than English should be accompanied by an English language version.
  • Pamphlets, flyers, or other information not authorized by staff or displayed outside the designated area will be immediately removed and discarded.
  • Postings larger than 8.5×11” will not be accepted.
  • Postings may be displayed for up to three weeks before an event and will be removed immediately following the event as space allows.
  • Postings must state the specific date of an event and the contact person.
  • Postings of any event will be limited to one (1).
  • The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection, or possible damage or theft of any item displayed or posted. All items placed in the library are done so at the owner's risk.