The Library will open at 1 PM on 3/21

Due to staff training on 3/21, all Library locations will open at 1 PM. 

I Love Me: The New Program Series

Start Date

I Love Me

The focus of the “I Love Me” programs is self-care and self-love. A relaxing activity will be scheduled once every three months, including a sound bath meditation, drumming circles, and calming art activities.


Why is self-love important?

We’ve all been in situations where we’re left feeling negatively about ourselves. A toxic relationship, a tough childhood, work-related stress or just feeling lonely makes it difficult for us to see ourselves in a loving way. Self-love gives you the opportunity to understand yourself better and helps you to recognize your strengths and forgive your weaknesses. Self-love also grants you the ability to see how truly valuable you are and to be a more compassionate person.

Seeing yourself in a positive way supports not only your mental and emotional health, but also your physical well-being. It reduces harmful thoughts and behaviors. It makes you feel happy, confident, and more relaxed. And it can also be energizing and allow you to be a better problem-solver.


The following are my five basic recommendations to start cultivating the skill of self-care and self-love.


  1. Prioritize sleep – The benefits of having a good night’s sleep are endless, such as promoting a strong immune system, reducing stress, and helping you to focus and perform better during the day.
  2. Stay connected with people you love – This is as simple as having a conversation with a friend or calling a loved one. It doesn’t matter if the conversation is deep and meaningful or simply about last night’s TV show – whatever the case, it’s important to stay connected to people who love and support you.
  3. Exercise regularly – This can be as simple as taking a walk in the park once or twice a week.
  4. Try a relaxing activity - Join our I Love Me programs! Try our Sound Bath meditation and be on the lookout for our drumming circle in July.
  5. Practice gratitude – Enjoy the little things throughout your day and practice gratitude. Maybe you found a great parking spot at the grocery store or saw a beautiful sunset. The more your practice, the easier it will become.

Take a break from working so hard. Come and relax at the library. We want to help you build self-love skills by providing these amazing programs.


Upcoming Programs!


Sound Bath Session

We’re starting off with the Sound Bath on May 22, 2024 at 7pm. Marilyn Metz from Star Sound Baths will be leading this session. She's a Certified Yoga Teacher and Sound Bath Practitioner. Marilyn leads with the intention to combine elements of fun, curiosity and the cultivation of a deep love for yourself and your inherent worth. Follow Star Sound Baths on social media to stay up-to-date on sound bath experiences near you!

Contact Marilyn

Instagram: @StarSoundBaths  

Facebook: Star Sound Baths


Phone: (847) 770-3470


Sound bath instructor with singing bowls posing for pic

Program Description

May 22, 2024 at 7pm -- Meeting Room (Lower Level)

Immerse yourself in relaxing sound vibrations and cultivate a mindset of self-love. Enjoy a guided meditation that will renew your energy with healing vibrations from Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Koshi Chimes, Rainsticks, and more.

Please bring your yoga mat, a pillow or blanket to be cozy and comfortable.


sound bath class in session stretches



Drumming Circle Session

Next, Drumming Circle on July 17, 2024 at 7pm. Wende will be leading this session. Wende's drum and meditation circles are an extension of her Dragonfly Medicine Practice  bringing love and healing into the community. 

Contact Wende (text 815-382-3255)


drumming instructor and students posing for photo


Program Description

July 17, 2024 at 7pm -- Meeting Room (Lower Level)

Surround yourself with drumming vibrations and cultivate a mindset of self-love and community. Learn about the benefits of drum circles, enjoy a performance, and try it yourself. Drums will be provided. No experience is necessary.

Relax, have fun, and make new friends. You may also bring your own percussion instruments (such as shakers, tambourine, and bongos).


people having fun during a drum circle session


Stay tuned for the fall and winter dates!