The Library will open at 1 PM on 3/21

Due to staff training on 3/21, all Library locations will open at 1 PM. 

I Love Me: Chanting Music

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Movies & Music

Age Group:

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Program Description

Event Details

The “I Love Me” programs are focused on self-care and self-love. Join us as we listen to a session of chanting. Allow the music to raise your vibrations. Cultivate a mindset of positive thinking. Meet other individuals interested in living mindful and peaceful lives.

Los programas “I Love Me” están enfocados en el autocuidado y amor propio. Ven a escuchar cánticos para relajarte. Deja que la música eleve tus sentidos. Cultiva una mentalidad positiva y conoce a otras personas interesadas en vivir una vida consciente y pacífica.