The Library will open at 1 PM on 3/21

Due to staff training on 3/21, all Library locations will open at 1 PM. 

I Love Me Series: Sound Bath

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Movies & Music

Age Group:

Teen, Adult
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

The “I Love Me” programs are focused on self-care and self-love. Immerse yourself in relaxing sound vibrations and cultivate a mindset of self-love. Enjoy a guided meditation by Marilyn Metz with Star Sound Baths that will renew your energy with healing vibrations from Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Koshi Chimes, Rainsticks, and more.

Please bring your yoga mat, a pillow or blanket to be cozy and comfortable.

I Love Me: Meditación con Sonidos Terapéuticos

Los programas “I Love Me” están enfocados en el autocuidado y amor propio. Sumérgete en vibraciones sonoras terapéuticas y cultiva una mentalidad de amor propio. Disfruta de una meditación guiada por Marilyn Metz de Star Sound Baths que renovará tu energía con vibraciones curativas de cuencos tibetanos de cristal de cuarzo, campanillas Koshi, palos de lluvia, y más.

Se recomienda traer tapete de yoga, una almohada, o cobija para estar cómodo.