*This program will be held virtually*
Have fun and build literacy skills in our preschool storytime! Children will engage with books, stories, and songs. Ages 3-6. Sorytimes will be available on our facebook and YouTube channels.
Dundee Library
555 Barrington Avenue
East Dundee, IL 60118
United States
Randall Oaks Library
500 N. Randall Road
West Dundee, IL 60118
United States
Both library branches will close at 5 p.m. on November 27 and remain closed on November 28 and 29 in observance of Thanksgiving. We will reopen with normal hours on November 30.
*This program will be held virtually*
Have fun and build literacy skills in our preschool storytime! Children will engage with books, stories, and songs. Ages 3-6. Sorytimes will be available on our facebook and YouTube channels.
*This program will be Virtual*
Interact with your toddler as we read stories, do finger plays, listen to music and move around. Ages 2-3 with caregiver.
Storytimes will be available on our Facebook and YouTube channels.
La Biblioteca Dundee en conjunto con Ecker Center (A2J) organizara un taller con información de los derechos para inmigrantes. Aprenda cuáles son sus derechos, como hacer un plan de emergencia, las ultimas noticias respeto a DACA, y mucho más.
Learn how to use formulas in Excel. Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Excel required. Hands-on.