FREE English as a Second Language class for adults.
English as a Second Language skills, including digital literacy, are taught and practiced for Basic through Low Intermediate levels for Adults- all nationalities welcome!
Dundee Library
555 Barrington Avenue
East Dundee, IL 60118
United States
Randall Oaks Library
500 N. Randall Road
West Dundee, IL 60118
United States
Due to staff training on 3/21, all Library locations will open at 1 PM.
FREE English as a Second Language class for adults.
English as a Second Language skills, including digital literacy, are taught and practiced for Basic through Low Intermediate levels for Adults- all nationalities welcome!
The teens’ favorite program is now available for younger kids! Use perler beads to turn pixel art into keychains, mini figures, and original pieces of art. Grades 1-6.
Theme: May Flowers
We often take photographs during library events. These photos are for library use only and may be used for promotion in print, digital, and social media. Attending a library event provides expressed consent to take and utilize photographs of you/your family. If you prefer not to be photographed, please alert a staff member.
Rescheduled to June 3
Expand on the knowledge of formulas and functions gained in Part 4. Learn many ways Vlookup can be used and how to use Index and Match.