The Library will open at 1 PM on 3/21

Due to staff training on 3/21, all Library locations will open at 1 PM. 

Program Proposal

The Fox River Valley Libraries offer a wide variety of programs to patrons. Please fill out the form below if you would like to propose presenting a program at the Dundee Library or Randall Oaks Library. We plan programs all year long, and usually schedule programs three to six months out. A confirmation email will be sent when your proposal is received. Programs must be free and open to the public and are for education, information, and entertainment purposes only. Presenters may not sell, take orders, or collect information from attendees, with the exception of authors and performing artists, who may sell their books or CDs.

Have you presented here in the last five years?
What age group is your target audience?

Select all that apply.

What days/times are you available to present?

Select all that apply.

Is this fee negotiable?