My first visit to Wrigley Field came at the invitation of my grandfather on July 7, 1968. The Cubs swept a doubleheader from the Pittsburgh Pirates, and Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks, hit a grand slam in the first inning of the first game! How could I not become a life-long Cub fan?!
My grandfather also subscribed to Life Magazine and I loved leafing through the iconic photographs that captured moments forever frozen in time.
It was only natural that these events would catalyze my passion for capturing my favorite team in moments of action, athleticism, emotion and intensity, and, even in some lighthearted moments. I have relied on anticipating the action and rely only on single frame shooting.
These last two seasons have brought Cubs fans much to cheer about and these images should remind you of our good fortune to be celebrating our 2016 NL Division Champions!
I encourage you to contact me with questions, comments, and inquiries on how you can acquire these or other prints of images I have captured of our favorite Chicago sports franchise at stveschmid@gmail.com. (Please note that the first “E” in Steve is intentionally missing.)